Singer 237 (Before) |
One of my husband's friends was cleaning out his mother's garage and came across this gem. Let it be said that I love just about machine that may come my way, but I have a soft spot for any machine that weighs more than a toddler. Coming in at over 32lb. is this 1960's Singer 237 Fashion Mate that sports an all metal interior. The serial number is MF 220782 and was manufactured in Monza, Italy. If you are looking for a manual for one of these machines (or any other Singer), a pdf can be downloaded for free from the Singer website,
here. Just enter your model number.
As you can see from these pictures, it was in really bad shape when I took the face plates off. I live in an area that has a high moisture content from the sea air. It's my understanding that sewing machine oil will turn brown when exposed to moisture. Add to that the fact that it sat in the same position for over 20 years. The brown oil melted into the bottom of the machine. There was also some rust forming on some of the metal parts of the machine.

I know I shouldn't have done this but I decided to see if it would stitch in the condition that it was in. Sure enough, it stitched great but it sounded terrible. The motor sparked more than I was comfortable with but it didn't smoke.
The first thing I did was head over to the Sew Classic blog to see what I could learn about this machine. It just so happens that I have the 237, which features a straight stitch and an adjustable zig zag stitch. It also has a dial on the bed that lowers the feed dogs. This dial was an addition to the later model machines. One of the only parts that this machine will give you trouble with is the hook race cover which, in the case of this machine, was cracked. The belt and the bobbin winding tire appeared to be in good shape.
I began by dismounting the motor, light and pedal assemblies and setting them aside. There are a number of plastic faceplates on this machine that needed to be removed for cleaning. There are a number of mixed reviews about using compressed air but given the fact this is an all mechanical machine and condition it was currently in, I pulled out my husbands compressor and blew all the dust out of the top of the machine.
When researching cleaners, I got just as many mixed reviews on products
as I did on the compressed air issue. I settled on a product called PB
which is rust inhibiting soak that is used for lubricating, cleaning
breaking frozen bolts. I imagine it's similar to WD-40. I got incredible
results with this product. Something to be aware of when cleaning
mechanical sewing machines with something labeled "lubricant" is that
you still need to oil the moving parts and lube anywhere you have metal
on metal movement. There are numerous sites out there to help with
sewing machine maintenance. I spent about 10 hours meticulously cleaning
every part of this machine.
Singer 237 with the plastic face off (before) |
After cleaning every surface of this machine, I did some searches on Youtube for how to repair a sewing machine motor. I came across this one
here. I took the exterior covers off and removed the spring loaded brushes. I didn't take a picture of this but it looks
exactly like the video. After removing the brushes I cleaned the contact
areas with rubbing alcohol and sanded with a nearly no grit sandpaper. I
put a quarter of a drop of oil on the pulley assembly and put
everything back together. I have just placed an order for a new plastic hook race assembly cover.
Filthy Feed Dogs (before) |
Even with the cracked bobbin hook race cover being cracked, this machine now runs smoothly and quietly. The sound is similar to a Singer 501 Rocketeer. I am looking forward to using this machine on a regular basis and I am thrilled to add it to my collection.
Additional info: I have enough sewing machines that I really don't need to look at individual manuals. If you have the good fortune to find one of these machines and are looking for a manual, the vast majority of Singer manuals are available for free download at their site:
Vintage White manuals are also available at the above link. I have to assume that Singer acquired White at some point.
A really clear Singer 237 manual is available
here for FREE. I can't tell you how many listings on eBay are selling pdfs of publicly available manuals for over $15 each.
After |
After |
After |